IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference |
Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile
The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.
These are the plain, named, numbered or indexed global objects. This list is the subset of World objects that return primitive types, such as string, integer, boolean and time.
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
action | <action> Plural: actions | Returns the action currently being parsed. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
action <integer> | <action> Plural: actions | Returns the action matching the <integer> id. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
action lock state | <action lock state> Plural: action lock states | Returns the client action lock state. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
active action | <action> Plural: active actions | Returns the action currently executing. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
any ip version | <ip version> Plural: any ip versions | Returns a type corresponding to the Microsoft enumerated value NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY. | Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
apparent registration server time | <time> Plural: apparent registration server times | Shorthand for 'now of registration server'. When the client registers with the server, the server passes its current time back to the client. The client starts a stop watch at that time. The apparent registration server time is the time the server passed back to the client, plus the elapsed time on the stop watch. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
application <string> | <application> Plural: applications | Returns an application for the name provided. On a Macintosh, this Inspector may return a filesystem object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
application usage summary | <application usage summary> Plural: application usage summaries | Returns an application usage summary containing information including the start time, duration and other statistics on client applications. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
application usage summary <string> | <application usage summary> Plural: application usage summaries | Returns the usage summary for the application specified in <string>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
april | <month> Plural: aprils | Returns april as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
april <integer> | <day of year> Plural: aprils | Returns the nth day of april as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
august | <month> Plural: augusts | Returns August as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
august <integer> | <day of year> Plural: augusts | Returns the nth day of August as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
bes license | <license> Plural: bes licenses | Synonym for 'client license'. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
binary operator <string> | <binary operator> Plural: binary operators | Typically used in the plural, returns the various possible binary inspectors that use the specified operators. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
binary operator returning <type> | <binary operator> Plural: binary operators returning | Returns a list of binary operators that return the specified type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
bit <integer> | <bit set> Plural: bits | Returns TRUE or FALSE, corresponding to value of the bit specified by <integer>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
bit set <string> | <bit set> Plural: bit sets | Returns the bits of the binary number given by the string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
boolean <string> | <boolean> Plural: booleans | Returns a boolean. For example, boolean "TRUE". | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
br | <html> Plural: brs | Creates an HTML <br/> tag to output a line break. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
br <string> | <html> Plural: brs | Creates an HTML <br/> tag with an included modifier, such as class. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
case insensitive regex <string> | <regular expression> Plural: case insensitive regexes | Returns a case-insensitive regular expression from the supplied string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
case insensitive regular expression <string> | <regular expression> Plural: case insensitive regular expressions | Same as case insensitive regex <string>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
cast <string> | <cast> Plural: casts | Returns a list of the objects that can be cast into the type specified by <string>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
cast returning <type> | <cast> Plural: casts returning | Returns a list of the objects that can be cast into the specified type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
character <integer> | <string> Plural: characters | Returns a string containing a single ASCII character. For example, character 90 = "Z". | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
client | <client> Plural: clients | Returns the client object corresponding to the BigFix application evaluating the current relevance expression. This is equivalent to the file system object of the BigFix Client executable. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
client cryptography | <client_cryptography> Plural: client cryptographies | This Inspector is similar to the core cryptography object except that it returns properties exclusive to the client (whereas <cryptography> is also available in the Console/Web Reports contexts). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
client license | <license> Plural: client licenses | Global object containing client licensing information. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
computer id | <integer> Plural: computer ids | This is a unique integer assigned to the computer by the BES system. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
computer name | <string> Plural: computer names | Returns a string corresponding to the name of the computer as it appears on the network. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
cryptography | <cryptography> Plural: cryptographies | A global object that implements the FIPS 140-2 standard for secure signing and authentication throughout the BigFix application. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
current analysis | <fixlet> Plural: current analyses | This Client Inspector is used to locate the site corresponding to the current analysis in order to look at certain related files. This is helpful for SCM content that resides in Fixlet sites and can be copied to custom sites. The value of 'current analysis' will move with the copy. In the Client context, this Inspector has global scope and returns a Fixlet.Note: When used in a session context, this Inspector has a scope limited to the BES Fixlet. | Win:8.1, Lin:8.1, Sol:8.1, HPUX:8.1, AIX:8.1, Mac:8.1, Ubu:8.1 |
current date | <date> Plural: current dates | Returns the current date in the format:Day of week, Day Month Year. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current day_of_month | <day of month> Plural: current days_of_month | Returns the current day of the month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current day_of_week | <day of week> Plural: current days_of_week | Returns the current day of the week, eg. Monday, Tuesday, etcetera. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current day_of_year | <day of year> Plural: current days_of_year | Returns the current day of the year, in a Month Day format. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current month | <month> Plural: current months | Returns the current month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current month_and_year | <month and year> Plural: current months_and_years | Returns the current date in month year format, eg. January 2012. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current relay | <current relay> Plural: current relays | Returns an object corresponding to the server or relay that the client last registered with. This may be a BES Relay or the BES root server. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current site | <site> Plural: current sites | Returns the current site object. See site. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current time_of_day | <time of day with time zone> Plural: current times_of_day | Returns the current time of day in the local time zone. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current time_of_day <time zone> | <time of day with time zone> Plural: current times_of_day | Returns the current time of day in the specified time zone. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current user | <logged on user> Plural: current users | Returns the active, console (local) user, if logged on. Otherwise does not exist. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
current year | <year> Plural: current years | Returns the current year. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
custom site subscription effective date <string> | <time> Plural: custom site subscription effective dates | Returns the date the custom site (specified by <string>) was last subscribed or unsubscribed. It is used internally by BES to manage custom site subscriptions. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
date <string> | <date> Plural: dates | Converts the given string into a date. The string should be of the form 'Day Month Year' and the returned date will be of the form 'Day of week, Day Month Year'. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
day | <time interval> Plural: days | Returns a time interval corresponding to 1 day. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
day_of_month <integer> | <day of month> Plural: days_of_month | Converts the given integer to a day of month type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
day_of_month <string> | <day of month> Plural: days_of_month | Converts the given string value (must be an integer from 1-31) to a day of month type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
day_of_week <string> | <day of week> Plural: days_of_week | Converts the given string value to a day of week type, eg. Monday, Tuesday, etcetera. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
december | <month> Plural: decembers | Returns December as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
december <integer> | <day of year> Plural: decembers | Returns the nth day of December as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
default web browser | <file> Plural: default web browsers | Creates an object corresponding to the default web browser. This is a *nix inspector; it will fail gracefully on other operating systems instead of generating an error. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
device file <filesystem object> | <device file> Plural: device files | Returns the device file indicated by the specified filesystem object. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
device file <string> | <device file> Plural: device files | Returns the device file with the specified name. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
device file <symlink> | <device file> Plural: device files | Returns the device file specified by the supplied symbolic link. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
dns name | <string> Plural: dns names | Returns the DNS name of the computer. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
domain name | <string> Plural: domain names | Returns the fully qualified domain name of the machine. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
domainname | <string> Plural: domainnames | Same as domain name. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
download file <string> | <file> Plural: download files | This inspector is available in relevance subsitution action processing. It returns a file object with the given name from the named folder or the download folder. This is equivalent to 'file "name" of download folder'. The file should exist or the result will not exist. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
download folder | <folder> Plural: download folders | This inspector is available in relevance subsitution action processing. When the action is active, this inspector returns a folder object of __Download\, otherwise it returns a folder object of __Global\sitename\actionid\named. This inspector is designed for the prefetch process of action execution. Macintosh Note: Prior to version 7.2, this Inspector referred to the system download folder on the Macintosh. That Inspector is referred to as ISS Download as of version 7.2. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.2 |
download path <string> | <string> Plural: download paths | This inspector is available in relevance subsitution action processing. It returns a string corresponding to the download path of the specified file. This Inspector (along with download folder and download file) is designed to be used during the prefetch process of action execution. This is equivalent to '(pathname of download folder) & pathseparator & "myfile"'. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
download storage folder | <download storage folder> Plural: download storage folders | This Inspector creates a pointer to the current download storage folder. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
drive | <filesystem> Plural: drives | Iterates through all valid drives on the system. Typically used to return a list of the drives (volumes, filesystems) on the client computer. On Windows computers, this returns a <drive> object.On *nix computers, this returns a <filesystem> object.Drives, volumes and filesystems are treated the same on the Macintosh and return a <volume> type. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
drive <string> | <filesystem> Plural: drives | Returns the drive associated with the pathname specified by <string>. On Windows computers, this returns a <drive> object.On Macintosh computers, this returns a <volume> object.On *nix computers, this returns a <filesystem> object. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
environment | <environment> Plural: environments | Returns an object corresponding to the currently defined set of environment variables. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
error <string> | <undefined> Plural: errors | This expression allows you to output your own user-defined error message, typically in the 'else' clause of an 'if/then/else' statement. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
false | <boolean> Plural: falses | Returns the boolean FALSE. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
february | <month> Plural: februarys | Returns February as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
february <integer> | <day of year> Plural: februarys | Returns the nth day of February as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
fifo file <filesystem object> | <fifo file> Plural: fifo files | Returns the FIFO file (named pipe) described by the specified filesytem object. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
fifo file <string> | <fifo file> Plural: fifo files | Returns the FIFO file (named pipe) with the given name. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
fifo file <symlink> | <fifo file> Plural: fifo files | Returns the FIFO file (named pipe) described by the specified symbolic link (symlink). | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
file <string> | <file> Plural: files | Returns a filesystem object corresponding to the full pathname provided in <string>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
file <symlink> | <file> Plural: files | Returns the file pointed to by the specified symlink. If the file doesn't exist, this Inspector will throw a 'non-existent object' error. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
filesystem | <filesystem> Plural: filesystems | Returns the volume corresponding to the filesystem. Typically used to return a list of the filesystems (drives, volumes) on the client computer. Drives, volumes and filesystems are treated the same on the Macintosh and return a <volume> type. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
filesystem <string> | <filesystem> Plural: filesystems | Returns the filesystem corresponding to the specified name. On a Macintosh, this Inspector returns a <volume> object. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
folder <string> | <folder> Plural: folders | Returns a folder object for the name provided. See drive. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
folder <symlink> | <folder> Plural: folders | Returns the folder pointed to by the specified symlink. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
friday | <day of week> Plural: fridays | Returns Friday as a day of week object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
ghz | <hertz> Plural: ghzs | Returns a Hertz object corresponding to 1 giga-hertz. See hertz. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
greatest hz | <hertz> Plural: greatest hzs | Returns the largest hertz object that can be represented on this machine. See hertz. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
greatest integer | <integer> Plural: greatest integers | Returns the largest integer that can be represented on this machine. See integer. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
greatest time interval | <time interval> Plural: greatest time intervals | Returns the greatest time interval representable. The value corresponds to 106751991 days, 04:00:54.775807. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
hexadecimal integer <string> | <integer> Plural: hexadecimal integers | Creates an integer from the provided hexadecimal value. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
hexadecimal string <string> | <string> Plural: hexadecimal strings | Creates a string from the given hexadecimal value. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
host name | <string> Plural: host names | Returns the machine name (the same as the computer name or hostname on UNIX machines). | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
hostname | <string> Plural: hostnames | Returns the standard host name, usually for the computer's network. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
hour | <time interval> Plural: hours | Returns a time interval corresponding to 1 hour. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
hr | <html> Plural: hrs | Creates a horizontal line tag <hr/>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
hr <string> | <html> Plural: hrs | Creates a horizontal line tag with an option specfied by the string <hr string/>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
html <string> | <html> Plural: htmls | Embeds the specified string between <html></html> tags. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
html tag <( string, html )> | <html> Plural: html tags | Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an html tag specified by string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
html tag <( string, html attribute list )> | <html> Plural: html tags | Returns an HTML snippet containing a HTML attribute list enclosed in an html tag specified by the string. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
html tag <( string, html attribute list, html )> | <html> Plural: html tags | Returns an HTML snippet enclosed in a tag specified by the string, modified by the html attribute list and bracketing the html argument. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
html tag <( string, html attribute list, string )> | <html> Plural: html tags | Returns an HTML snippet enclosed in a tag specified by the first string, modified by the html attribute list and bracketing the second string argument. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
html tag <( string, string )> | <html> Plural: html tags | Returns an HTML snippet containing the second string enclosed in an html tag specified by the first string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
hz | <hertz> Plural: hzs | Returns a hertz object corresponding to 1 hertz. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
integer <integer> | <integer> Plural: integers | Returns an integer. The keyword is optional. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
integer <string> | <integer> Plural: integers | Returns integer for name provided. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
integer in <( integer, integer )> | <integer> Plural: integers in | Returns a list of the integers contained between the endpoints (inclusive). The order is preserved, from least to greatest or vice-versa. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
integer in <( integer, integer, integer )> | <integer> Plural: integers in | Returns a list of the integers contained between the endpoints (inclusive) specified by the first two integers, with a step size specified by the third integer. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
integer to <integer> | <integer> Plural: integers to | Returns a list of integers from zero up to the specified integer. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
ip version <integer> | <ip version> Plural: ip versions | Returns the the IP version for the <integer> port corresponding to the Microsoft enumerated types:0: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_V41: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_V62: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY3: NET_FW_IP_VERSION_MAX. | Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
ipv4 | <ip version> Plural: ipv4s | Provides a comparison value for a firewall or other ip version inspector. | Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
ipv4 address <string> | <ipv4 address> Plural: ipv4 addresses | Returns an ipv4 address for the string provided. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
ipv4or6 address <string> | <ipv4or6 address> Plural: ipv4or6 addresses | Returns an ipv4or6 address object as described by the given string. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
ipv6 | <ip version> Plural: ipv6s | Provides a comparison value for a firewall or other ip version inspector. | Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
ipv6 address <string> | <ipv6 address> Plural: ipv6 addresses | Converts a string representations of an IPv6 address (with colons and/or dots) into an IPv6 address type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
january | <month> Plural: januarys | Returns January as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
january <integer> | <day of year> Plural: januarys | Returns the nth day of January as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
july | <month> Plural: julys | Returns July as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
july <integer> | <day of year> Plural: julys | Returns the nth day of July as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
june | <month> Plural: junes | Returns June as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
june <integer> | <day of year> Plural: junes | Returns the nth day of June as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
khz | <hertz> Plural: khzs | Returns a hertz object corresponding to 1 kilohertz. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
last relay select time | <time> Plural: last relay select times | Returns the time when last relay selection took place. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
least hz | <hertz> Plural: least hzs | Returns the least hertz value that can be represented on this machine. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
least integer | <integer> Plural: least integers | Returns the least integer value that can be represented on this machine. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
least time interval | <time interval> Plural: least time intervals | Returns the least time interval that can be represented on this machine. The value corresponds to -106751991 days, 04:00:54.775808. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
local time <string> | <time> Plural: local times | Returns a time object for the name provided. See time. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
local time zone | <time zone> Plural: local time zones | Returns a time zone object corresponding to the local time zone. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
local user <string> | <user> Plural: local users | Returns the Active Directory local user object for the specified local user. This allows inspection of AD properties for that user, whether cached or currently logged in. | Win:8.1, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Ubu:8.2 |
logged on user | <logged on user> Plural: logged on users | Returns zero or more users logged on to this computer. This Inspector iterates through all logged-on users, using Fast User Switching, Terminal Services, ACLs, and on Win 9x, the registry. | Win, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.2 |
main gather service | <service> Plural: main gather services | Returns a service object for the main gathering service, typically located on the main server.Note: On a Macintosh, returns <nothing>. Included for compatibility. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
main processor | <processor> Plural: main processors | Returns the processor object corresponding to the main processor. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
march | <month> Plural: marchs | Returns March as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
march <integer> | <day of year> Plural: marchs | Returns the nth day of March as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
may | <month> Plural: mays | Returns May as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
may <integer> | <day of year> Plural: mays | Returns the nth day of May as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
mhz | <hertz> Plural: mhzs | Returns a hertz object corresponding to 1 megahertz. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
microsecond | <time interval> Plural: microseconds | Returns a time interval corresponding to .000001 seconds. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
midnight | <time of day> Plural: midnights | Returns 00:00:00 as a time of day object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
millisecond | <time interval> Plural: milliseconds | Returns a time interval corresponding to .001 seconds. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
minute | <time interval> Plural: minutes | Returns a time interval corresponding to 1 minute. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
module <string> | <module> Plural: modules | For BigFix internal use only. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
monday | <day of week> Plural: mondays | Returns the day of week object for Monday. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
month | <number of months> Plural: months | Returns the specified number of months. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
month <integer> | <month> Plural: months | Returns the month type corresponding to the given <integer>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
month <string> | <month> Plural: months | Returns a month type corresponding to the given <string>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
network | <network> Plural: networks | Returns an object containing properties of the network. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
noon | <time of day> Plural: noons | Returns 12:00:00 as a time of day object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
november | <month> Plural: novembers | Returns November as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
november <integer> | <day of year> Plural: novembers | Returns the nth day of November as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
now | <time> Plural: nows | Returns the current time as a time object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
october | <month> Plural: octobers | Returns October as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
october <integer> | <day of year> Plural: octobers | Returns the nth day of October as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
operating system | <operating system> Plural: operating systems | Returns the operating system object. See operating system. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
parameter <string> | <string> Plural: parameters | This Inspector is a synonym for the parameter <string> of <action>. It looks up the value of the action parameter specified by <string>. This is used in conjunction with the parameter set command. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
pending login | <boolean> Plural: pending logins | Installers may leave values in the registry that the operating system will execute when the next user logs in. Pending login can detect these registry entries. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
pending restart | <boolean> Plural: pending restarts | Returns TRUE if the operating system indicates that a restart needs to occur. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
pending restart <string> | <boolean> Plural: pending restarts | Immediately after issuing a command like 'Action requires restart "PatchGroupX"', the expression 'Pending restart "PatchGroupX"' will be true until the next restart. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
pending restart name | <string> Plural: pending restart names | This iterated Inspector returns the names of currently pending restarts. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
pkgdb | <pkgdb> Plural: pkgdbs | A top-level object containing a list of all the installed packages, in the form of pkginfos. | Sol |
power level | <power level> Plural: power levels | Returns a power level representing the underlying state of the battery or charging system. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
process | <process> Plural: processes | Returns all process objects currently running. | Win:8.0, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
process <integer> | <process> Plural: processes | Returns the process object corresponding to the given integer pid. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
process <string> | <process> Plural: processes | Returns the process object corresponding to the name specified by <string>. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
processor | <processor> Plural: processors | Returns all the processor objects defined on the machine. See processor. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
processor <integer> | <processor> Plural: processors | Returns a processor object for the numbered processor. Processors are numbered from 1. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac:8.2, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
property <string> | <property> Plural: properties | Typically used in the plural, returns the "line" Inspector properties. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
property returning <type> | <property> Plural: properties returning | Produces a list of the Inspector properties that return the specified <type>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
ram | <ram> Plural: rams | Returns a ram object for inspecting the properties of Random Access Memory installed on the machine. See ram. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
random access memory | <ram> Plural: random access memories | Same as above. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
recent application | <application> Plural: recent applications | Returns all the application objects that have recently been executing on the machine. See application. | Win, Lin, Sol:8.1, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
recent application <string> | <application> Plural: recent applications | Returns an application for the name provided it has recently executed. The name is assumed to be the last part of an executable file name. | Win, Lin, Sol:8.1, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
regex <string> | <regular expression> Plural: regexes | Creates a regex object from the given string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
regular expression <string> | <regular expression> Plural: regular expressions | Same as regex <string>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
relay service | <service> Plural: relay services | Returns a service object for the relay component of BES. Note: On a Macintosh, this returns <nothing>. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
root folder | <folder> Plural: root folders | Returns the folder corresponding to '/'. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
root server | <root server> Plural: root servers | Returns an object representing the root BES Server to which the client last registered. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
rope <string> | <rope> Plural: ropes | Creates a rope object from the given string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
runlevel | <runlevel> Plural: runlevels | Returns the current runlevel of the local machine. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
running application | <application> Plural: running applications | Returns all the application objects that are currently executing on the machine. See application. | Win, Lin, Sol:8.1, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
running application <string> | <application> Plural: running applications | Returns an application for the name provided it is currently executing. The name is assumed to be the last part of an executable file name. | Win, Lin, Sol:8.1, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
running service <string> | <service> Plural: running services | Returns the running service object matching the name provided. | Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
saturday | <day of week> Plural: saturdays | Returns Saturday as a day of week object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
second | <time interval> Plural: seconds | Returns a time interval corresponding to 1 second. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
selected server | <selected server> Plural: selected servers | The BES Server or BES Relay to which the agent reports. Returned as the "selected server" type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
september | <month> Plural: septembers | Returns September as an object of type month. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
september <integer> | <day of year> Plural: septembers | Returns the nth day of September as a 'day of year' type (month day). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
service <string> | <service> Plural: services | Returns the service object matching the name provided, regardless of its running state.On a Macintosh, returns a <dummy> type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
site | <site> Plural: sites | Returns all the site objects that are currently loaded into memory. See site. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
site <string> | <site> Plural: sites | Returns a site object for the name provided. The name is the URL of the site location. See site. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
site version list <string> | <site version list> Plural: site version lists | Returns a textual representation of a site version list ("manyversion"). | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
socket file <filesystem object> | <socket file> Plural: socket files | Returns the socket file(s) indicated by the supplied filesystem object. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
socket file <string> | <socket file> Plural: socket files | Returns the named socket file. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
socket file <symlink> | <socket file> Plural: socket files | Returns the socket file(s) indicated by the supplied symlink. | Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
string <string> | <string> Plural: strings | Returns a string for the name provided. The keyword string is optional. For example, string "hi" = "hi". | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
sunday | <day of week> Plural: sundays | Returns Sunday as a day of week object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
symlink <filesystem object> | <symlink> Plural: symlinks | Returns a symlink from the specified filesystem object. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
symlink <string> | <symlink> Plural: symlinks | Returns a symlink from the specified string. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
symlink <symlink> | <symlink> Plural: symlinks | Returns a symlink from the specified symlink path, even if the symlink is broken. | Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1 |
system language | <string> Plural: system languages | Returns the language of the system as a string. It is identified using the GetSystemDefaultLangID() system call. See the language keyword of the application object for a list of possible language value. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
system locale | <language> Plural: system locales | Determines which bitmap fonts, and OEM, ANSI, and MAC code pages are defaults for the system. This only affects applications that are not fully Unicode. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
system ui language | <language> Plural: system ui languages | Determines the default language of menus and dialogs, messages and help files. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
thursday | <day of week> Plural: thursdays | Returns Thursday as a day of week object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
time <string> | <time> Plural: times | Returns a time object for the name provided. See time. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
time interval <string> | <time interval> Plural: time intervals | Creates a time interval from the string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
time zone <string> | <time zone> Plural: time zones | Returns a time zone object for the name provided. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
time_of_day <string> | <time of day> Plural: times_of_day | Creates a time of day object out of the given string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
true | <boolean> Plural: trues | Returns the boolean TRUE. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
tuesday | <day of week> Plural: tuesdays | Returns Tuesday as a day of week object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
unary operator <string> | <unary operator> Plural: unary operators | Typically used in the plural, this inspector returns a list of objects that use the specified operator. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
unary operator returning <type> | <unary operator> Plural: unary operators returning | Returns a list of the unary operator inspectors (such as negative) that return the specified type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
universal time <string> | <time> Plural: universal times | Returns a time object for the name provided. See time. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
universal time zone | <time zone> Plural: universal time zones | Returns a time zone object corresponding to the universal time zone. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
user | <user> Plural: users | Returns objects for all users of the computer, logged in or not. | Win:8.1, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
user <string> | <user> Plural: users | Returns the user specified by <string>. | Win:8.1, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1 |
uuid <string> | <uuid> Plural: uuids | Returns the named UUID (Universally Unique ID). | Sol:8.0 |
version <string> | <version> Plural: versions | Short hand for 'file version'. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
wake on lan subnet cidr string | <string> Plural: wake on lan subnet cidr strings | Returns the subnet the client is in for Wake on Lan (WoL) purposes. The client sends information to the relay during registration that is used to decide which subnet the client is in. The relay returns the subnet to the client, which is the value this Inspector exposes. This value is used to send WoL commands to forwarders. To wake a machine by computer ID, the server looks up the mac address and subnet of that machine. It then tries to identify clients that have been configured as WoL forwarders within the same subnet and routes WoL commands to those forwarders, sending them the mac address of the machine that needs to be awoken. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
wednesday | <day of week> Plural: wednesdays | Returns Wednesday as a day of week object. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
week | <time interval> Plural: weeks | Returns a time interval corresponding to 1 week. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
year | <number of months> Plural: years | Returns the specified number of years as a <number of months> type. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
year <integer> | <year> Plural: years | Creates a year object from the specified integer. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
year <string> | <year> Plural: years | Creates a year object from the specified string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
zone | <zone> Plural: zones | Returns the global Solaris zones. | Sol:8.0 |
zone <integer> | <zone> Plural: zones | Returns the Nth (as specified by the integer) global Solaris zone. | Sol:8.0 |
zone <string> | <zone> Plural: zones | Returns the named global Solaris zone. | Sol:8.0 |
zone <uuid> | <zone> Plural: zones | Returns the named global Solaris zone as specified by the UUID. | Sol:8.0 |
zoned time_of_day <string> | <time of day with time zone> Plural: zoned times_of_day | Returns a 'time of day with time zone' object from the specified string. | Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1 |
base64 decode <string> | <string> Plural: base64 decodes | Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2 | |
base64 encode <string> | <string> Plural: base64 encodes | Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2 | |
cpupackage | <cpupackage> Plural: cpupackages | Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2 | |
grub config file | <grub config file> Plural: grub config files | Returns the grub config file from the default location, either "/boot/grub/menu.lst" or "/boot/grub/grub.conf". | Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2 |
grub config file <string> | <grub config file> Plural: grub config files | Returns the grub config file at the path specified by the string. | Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2 |
in agent context | <boolean> Plural: in agent contexts | Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2 | |
in proxy agent context | <boolean> Plural: in proxy agent contexts | Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2 | |
ipv4 routing table | <ipv4 routing table> Plural: ipv4 routing tables | Returns the ipv4 routing table. Use 'routes of ipv4 routing table' or 'all routes of ipv4 routing table' to get more information. | Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2 |
smf | <smf> Plural: smfs | Returns the smf object. Use 'services of smf' for more information. | Sol:8.2 |